Friday 26 October 2012

M*A*SH* (Research Into Existing Shows)

Although it may not be immediately obvious why I chose to research M*A*S*H* for my sitcom, if you look into the scenes where the main characters are in a confined space, and realise the conversational patterns and character relationships, I think that this show is an ideal example to learn from, and try to emulate the success of.

I therefore looked into many scripts, and watched many of the episodes (no complaints there), to learn the dialogue patterns and how the characters interact with each other, especially within the limitations of so few locations. This is particularly helpful for my script.

I tried to find as many transcripts as I could, but this proved difficult. I did, however, find a few. This is the best example -

Also, I used and, to find the best lines and synopsis' from the series', to add to my research.

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